— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ]
by linuxorg

Oh, normal people write in the country, and they have everything flowing and segflotts, but very quickly.
And if you change the order of copying bytes in memcpy(3) to the reverse, then they have the Blood of the Penis.

But here are normal people who write in PHP. They always work somehow, but no one knows what will happen in border cases: maybe the message will be sent to a random user, maybe the server will end up space. No one knows what is going to happen, but everyone pretends that everything is fine.

There are still normal people with goat warts, melting and glasses with a thick wall without diopters, who would write on a ruby and throw data at a heated rate in the Mongob, but only they do not have time, because they ride at conferences, make a presentation for investors in the next startup in, write blogs

Or there, normal people write in hash. Without a doctorate in mathematics and half-liter you will not understand what they are writing. However, it doesn’t matter, because they all write, write, write, and the result with the gulkin is a shit, only a half-working prototype that runs only on the developer’s machine and rolls with a mistake or does nothing.

And there are normal people, whose programs, they say, do not slide, do not inhibit, and consume a negative amount of memory, but they are too busy struggling on the LOR to show at least one of their creations.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna