— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Aheret, the political arena every day more and more resembles chat without censorship... And here is the logic:

Georgia cuts to North Ossetia
Northern Ossetia: Are you fucked up? Big Brother help me!
Russians: What are you doing?
Pingdocia: Rus ne lez’
Russia: What is it? All in the chicken.
(Nothing has been decided)
Pindosia: Rus svali plzz, mewaew o4en’
Russia: Hell there, VDV to battle!
Georgia: Milla, and it hurts, we’ll talk about it all in the cigarette.
(Nothing has been decided)
Ukrainian government: I do not agree with Russia
The Ukrainian people: Closing your mouth.
Pindosia: Europe herli mol4iw
English: Ya s vami moi gentleman.
France: No hero is smoking yet.
Germany: Hm... and in the words of Russia there is a reason...
(Nothing has been decided)
France privates Pindosia: Well, Pindos sori of course but oil from Russia and with Germany houses friends
France: Russians wait for guests to eat
Russia: the same thing
O.o xerase vi modnie... ya tyt mir podgrebaiu, a oni...
Georgia: And I’m buried...
Filed to:CIC 4MO
Georgia: Yes my lord...
Russia: Okay, enough demagogy Loads speak sorry and valli naher...
Georgia Private Pindosia: What do we do?
Pindosia privat Georgia: sidim poka, wa ukrainu podklu4im

Continuation is...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna