— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The methods of the authorities do not change.

In the Prague journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism" Laszlo Nad represented the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party.
One day I looked at him for a moment because of some little thing, and he, being already thoroughly subdued, stopped me, literally holding my hand:
“Sit down with me, the cognac is good!
I stumbled, and he suddenly said:
Do you know what we, the people at the top of the parapharm, did at night during the 1956 uprising?
I don’t remember exactly who he was then, but he seems to be an assistant to some of the party leaders.
I replied that, of course, I do not know.
What do you think – what?
They probably caught the rebels. I answered just to get rid of him.
No is! Drink with me and I’ll tell you.
Of course he intrigued me. I had to sin – drink in working hours. Then he said:
At night we ran through the streets of Budapest and painted fascist signs on the walls!
– to?? to
Let the people believe in the fascist nature of the uprising!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna