— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I also doubt:

I doubt this:
A caterpillar on the road. I like to turn them out, then they slip to the other side. So I turned it, and then a girl I knew said:
Maybe she’s going to get her kids (unfortunately).
I first laughed, and then, walking 100 meters, I remembered that today is Mother’s Day.
I had to go back to get her back in the right direction!

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The goose is a child. A mature insect that can have children is butterflies.
So you may have brought the disobedient child back home from the hustle trip. Then I turned back to the blade again.

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A healthy goose will never descend from its plant and will not float along the road and any other open place. All the goats you see crossing the road are usually infected with the larvae of the goat rider who eat the goat from within and change its behavior, forcing it to move where the larvae need to. You can conduct an experiment: plant such a goose in a bowl, and after a while the larvae will bite it and go out happy.
This is what I do... Husenice is already on the drum, where she is, she is doomed and deprived of almost all her inners. This is the truth of life.


Did you get rid of it all??? I came here to dress, not to dress. Go to Wikipedia and be smart.

I am in a fucking mood.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna