— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ]
Drakkar: On the channel Friday is the release of the program Eagle and Rush. Leading in Kamchatka.
Simultaneously, there is a discussion of what is happening in the local hub:
[17:34:29] <Rabbit-XXL> They will leave a bottle in a crowded place, stuck in the fuck, look after it. Found the diables.
[17:34:33] <kadzoku> We will see where they hide.
[17:35:00] <Racket> Rabbit-XXL: Yes, I’m going to go. The loch broke in search of 100 backs. Idiots will spend more on gasoline)))
[17:35:08] <SeRVeLa(D))> Rabbit-XXL: Yes, the bottle has already been found by the bombers who were surrounded there at the time of filming :)
Drakkar: The Leader Announces: The Target Soup. The coordinates xxx. Under the stone I hid a bottle with $100.
17:35:50 Rabbit-XXL is out
17:36:01 SeRVeLa(D)) is out
17:36:08 kadzoku came out
17:36:15 The rocket went off

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna