— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My colleague told me this morning:
I came home a little dated. The wife says:
In the kitchen, if you want to harness, swing it yourself.
I think why to squeeze, went to the kitchen, took a kefir, sat down, put a catlet on the bread...I look, and the refrigerator is not covered, well, in one hand a catlet with bread, and the second I stretch to close the refrigerator, I stretch such and here from under my ass crawls the table, I fall with my ass on the floor, from the table pops out a kind of cocktail, catches my butter and gets away...I sit like a classmate and shout my wife from the room.
- I forgot to say, Charlie's mother (French bulldog) left for the weekend... she went somewhere.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna