— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not sure why there was no excitement in the universe?

Fuck Max, you were not on a pair on Saturday, of course in an hour and a half the end of the world happened, we changed the dean and deputy dean. They changed the schedule, we had to study in the night shift. Then Lord Sithov arrived and said that the Polytech did not meet intergalactic standards and he was forced to blow it up to the whales. But the new dean begged him not to do this, and for this he sucked his nose off the snail... However, this was stunned by reporters from the planet Nibiru and it led to an intergalactic conflict. It was a 30 minute war. Voronezh was completely destroyed. Then came the Goblins and began to rebuild it... And here the last piece of the affart was rebuilt in a puddle at your arrival. The dean was also returned.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna