— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Doyle from the box

The story is not funny at all, but rather informative, especially for urban residents who are familiar with cows only in the form of beef or milk. After that fall, I realized how smart and intelligent cows are, at least they are not stupider than dogs.

In those days when I was young and overwhelmed, I worked in one of the many NIHs. What we specifically did there does not matter, but like all the Soviet people at the time, we went the straight path to communism. This path was illuminated by the great Lenin, but the Reich Committees were guided by this path. That autumn, the council decided to send young builders of communism to help the collective farmers. Raycom dropped the gun, the boss promised to go away and we went. The people got decent, in addition to our box there was still a people from some legal research institute, which was in the territory of the district, subordinate to the district.

We were settled in a large wooden building, next to which a large open-air dining room was built with an adjacent kitchen. Under the raft were long tables and benches of thick boards. And two or three rows of soldier-type washers stood a little further away. The colloquials for our arrival prepared thoroughly and apparently received such assistance from the city regularly.

We had to prepare food for ourselves, there was no cooker for us. So we brought pasta, potatoes, onions and other supplies. They also brought a little meat and promised milk, issuing an aluminum flag for 40 liters. This is where milk started. For milk, we had to go to the farm for the evening breastfeeding. I was on duty that day and went to the farm for milk.

The farm was quite large. While milk was poured into my flag, and this was a special addition to the farm, where all the milk was collected in large baths, then it was quickly cooled, filtered, the percentage of fat was measured, well, in general, the necessary laboratory indicators were checked and accompanying papers were filled, I decided to wonder and looked into the farm. It was full of cows, and at the moment I walked in, it seemed to me that the air in the cowhouse really had a real density and viscosity, which had to be believed by the docents who were reading lectures at the Institute of Gas Dynamics. It was a delightful dense mixture of warm and humid, as in a southern warm evening, air, but it did not smell of rododendron and chestnut, but of weed, seed, steam milk and much more. The smell was delightful because it did not cause disgust, but only resembled the village with its unforgettable atmosphere. It is like the smell of spades at the railway crossing, and if the long-distance train still passing smells of the smell of titanium wagon, then the stations, trains and pipes with tea in thin glasses in the glasses are immediately remembered.

In the city, if you unintentionally step on a puppy of dogs, it starts to smell so that it turns out, and you go for a long time, smell and shake your feet to get rid of this terrible smell faster.

The evening breast. Among the cows were cows, cattle on the long passage along the cowboys carried chariots with seam, on the perimeter of the cowboys were arranged beds, in which small calves with wet noses stood. This whole picture was supplemented by a smooth business noise with the whistling of the waters, knocks, short screams, the whistling of mechanisms, most cows lay in their stalls measurably chewing the gum. And it was only from the far right corner of the cowhouse that there was a constant choking, when I looked at it, I saw that there was a large group of cows standing on their feet and washing.

Why do cows hunt? I asked the man who was nearby.

- The day is not doyens, here they are, - she replied, not breaking away from her work.

Why not wait?

- Yes, no one to do, the hostess went to the city to give up the session.

And nobody gets them at all?

- Doim, if time remains, with yours would be overnight, - I have already noticed that some doyarks are helped, judging by clothing and age, sons or husbands.

“Yes... Let’s try, if you learn... It’s a shame the cow, I suggested.

- The matter is simple, I will teach you, you are only cows, and I will give to the calves. Go, she said and ran to the other end of the cow.

I came back with a man and a man. A man says to me:

- Let's go, guy, and, indeed, give us a week of everything, and I will tell you that your brigade does not count milk from earnings.

I realized that this man was the head of the cowboy, and without looking agreed. It is better than gathering roots in the field. I agreed that in the morning and lunch dooks I miss, will tolerate a little more cow, and in the evening I dook the whole group, and do not forget to pursue the norm of milk fat.

Doyarka was also noticeably delighted, apparently, and her concerns were less, and the milk I was bored too should be written on someone? And we went to the corner from which my cows were now worriedly washed.

There were sixteen heads. They stood on the site, in front of each of the cows there was an automatic pitch and a small feeder, and a piece of gesture was made above, on which the name of the cow was written with a crumb. All this was fortified on a metal partition, on the other side of which there was a passage, through which they probably carried and distributed feed for cows in the winter. The ceiling of the section was wooden, on it the cows were to lie, and from it it was to move the hose into a special cane. Here is the entire construction. Oh, yes, even above were pipes with a "vacuum" for the work of doyling devices. The whole farm was assembled from such sections, two rows along the passage, which ended on each side with a large cowhouse gate. As far as I can remember, there were six such sections.

The technology of machine doying and really was not very clever, before breastfeeding you need to wipe the cow's womb with aseptic solution, if there are crumbling areas, then after doying to lubricate with a softening cream. Then put on the doyling apparatus, determine by sound that the breast approaches the end and complete the breast with the apparatus, while simultaneously massaging the vimeo - this achieves the collection of the most fatty milk, which is always given the last. If this is not done, then the fat content of the given milk will be low.

I was given two doyles, told how they work, how to wear, how to connect to the "vacuum" and how to organize the doyles more conveniently. We need to start from the edge and then rearrange the devices. As long as one works, the breast of the next cow is prepared. As the device is filled, the milk relates to the reception point. If everything is done slowly, then everything will go smoothly and without delay.

It was a uvertura.

I will tell you how I never tired of wondering these intelligent animals, whose appearance does not give reason to suspect them in a special mind. Not that they easily take integrals from any functions, but that they are especially taught nothing and are not on the farms of the cow Puppies. However, they easily and quickly learn the rules of life on the farm.

Judge for yourself, there were at least 100 cows in this cowhouse, and each cow knew its place. None of the cows, coming from the pasture, ever confused their place in the cowhouse, despite the fact that they could not read the tablets in the stalls. These tables were more for people.

When I came to the breast, I went into the cowhouse first to look at their cowboys, they were all standing and giving their voice. When they saw me, they calmed down a little. It was since the second day of my work, that is, they remembered me.

When I approached them with two apparatus in my hands a little later, when I turned my clothes, they were already quite calm, the most extreme, turning his head, looked at me with his large, dark, slightly opalescent eyes. I put one apparatus next to it, took a special bucket, picked in it from a nearby lary some delicious, probably, vitamin supplement. It was necessary for me to approach her closely with this cage, she finished staring and instantly stuck her mouth in the feed, into which I then poured this feed. No time, and not one of my cows, I was able to feed them before they put their mouths in the feed, every time I poured out the feed and poured their nose. They knew the script in advance. The other cows stood and patiently waited for their turn.

Then I took a hose with aseptic solution, wrapped the hose, connected the device to the "vacuum" and set it on the hose. Dooka has begun. The next cow waited patiently, but turned her head to me and watched my actions carefully.

After some time, when it was time to go to the second cow, I had to stretch my hand to the cage with the feed, the second cage stopped looking and hid the mouth in the feed. They even distinguished waters with solution and with feed! If I deliberately rearranged the hose with the solution, the cow continued to watch me. This continued until the last cow in the group.

After I was removing the machine, having dried out the most fatty milk, the cow realized that the breast was finished and lay down on the floor. But not earlier. None of the cows were lying down. When I was finishing the last straw, all the first were already lying down and silently chewing the gum.

A week later it was all over, a dojarka attached to my cows came, thanked me, and I didn’t have to come to the farm.

The work was unusual and hard, but when will such a fortune to the citizen to communicate with animals. In addition, instead of dinner, I took a large bowl of bread with me and ate dinner in the cowhouse with steamed milk. Of course, it was a romantic for me for a week, and the dogs have a hard daily work.

That is all. I hope I didn’t tire of those who read it. But everything I wrote is pure truth! And cows and cowboys are the most common, I can even say that it was the Lotoshinsky district of the Moscow region. Here is almost a copy of that cowboy:

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna