— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When a user calls for support and explains the problem in his or her own language, he is a user, a teaser, a loch, and a quotation hero.
And when the patient calls the ambulance and says what happened - the whole country stands up in his defense, shaming our medicine with shame.

and parade!
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It is easy! The patient speaks in a simple language: “I hurt here when I do this.” If the patients were to speak as users, it would sound like: "I have a neocortex broken up, pyramid neutron reuptake does not work." This is the case with neutrons instead of neurons and sulfur. Come understand what I wanted to say.
The Users! Speak simple language, don’t be afraid to seem stupid. We are sad and funny by your wise words.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna