— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today in the lunch break was under the Pushkin Square on the transit,

The voice of a scandal. Scandalous two ladies, one just a aunt (T),

The other is a very representative aunt (OPT), all of herself in hair and

The buses.

The tail of dialogue:

(T) with a whispering scandalous voice: Oh, woman, well go for yourself,

Go to...

Very, very magnificent: “Woman” is in the mountains, and we

There is no “woman” speaking!! to

(T) confused: what are they saying? What is “Baby”?! to

(OPT) in the tone of obvious superiority: it is necessary to say “sudaryana”!

(T) very joyful: the collision, go to the hill!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna