— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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by VaD_DooMer
I do not live in Moscow or Peter, where you can do anything and find anything, if there is a desire and money. I need to have friends there, for the lack of those I bite my elbows and I envy you, guys, that you were born Moscovites.

and rukez:
Almost all of them are jealous of the Russians.
And Moskovich envy Vladivostok where right-handed bullets for pennies
and the Vladivostok envy the Vladivostokkaza where the helicopters are burned for copies
And Vladikovkaz envy the Iponia where the FSE copies.
And the Japanese envy the Germans where the FSE too for a penny of electricity and also the German.
The Germans are jealous of the Americans. Americans have twice as much electricity.
Americans are jealous of the Americans. They have oil to carry U.S. oil that is twice as much.
The Americans are jealous of the Americans. You are not bombed.
Morality is good where we are not.
You are also very good. You don’t have us and you don’t have bombs, and the rest is shit :-D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna