— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the early 1990s, in our OAS pursuit of education. Many pilots study at the Leningrad Academy. They receive higher education. by Zaok. In the session, crowds, fly there and there, rabbits. Plans run full, seats only or in the front kitchen (Tu-154), or in the middle. But there guides work, so they go ahead. Time free, what to do is not a matter, especially when with a session. Our guide told us: "Two people come to Peter, fly home, they passed the session. They go to the front kitchen, and the feathers are thrown on the luggage shelf in the first cabin, as usual. All the way (2 hours of flight) are noted... The weather at home is not important, turned around, but sat on the base. I declare: "Please the passengers of the first cabin stay in their seats until the crew leaves." And here the two appear. Both are ready. But one is stronger, the other holds the hand. In the cabin first as usual, vanity among passengers, gather. Our pilots, stopping near the furage, the one who is stronger, clothes his own, clothes on comrades (with difficulty keeping the vertical position of both) and with the words: "I said we sit at home, and you are on the spare, on the spare!“—Accurately aligns the coat on his unwilling head... Passengers should have been seen... While the men went out, there was a grave silence... They were accompanied by such eyes...”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna