— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and Canada. In the office of a small company, employees are talking - 3 Canadians, a Polish and a Russian.
Polka says that her husband at work (and he works in a large Japanese company that produces aircraft) has an unofficial rule - once a month high-ranking managers do bypass the toilets of the enterprise. At the same time, they do not look at the toilets, but actually the walls of the toilet cabins.
If on these walls they do not find insults and curses against any of the middle-level managers, then the conclusion is made - this manager is not demanding enough to the subordinates and is subject to punishment, up to dismissal.
At the end of the inspection, all inscriptions are painted.
Canadians, after hearing this story, say: Yes... You want – you don’t want, but you will have to be angry in such a situation...
Russian, with a second pause: What’s the problem? These average managers have to go to the toilets once a week and write shit about themselves!
The Canadians: Yes, of course! Very well invented!
They look at the Russians with respect.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna