— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Representatives of forex call, trying to impose entry into their system. The operator (O), judging by the voice, faithfully believes in the effectiveness of the system.
A: We invite you to study with us and start earning money.
I: No, thank you, I don’t understand finance and I make money by handcrafting.
A: You may not have enough information. During the training you will be given a personal manager.
I: No, I am hopelessly stupid. I just want to do handcraft.
A: You will be familiar with currency trading.
I: I prefer to deal with paints, glue and other toxic substances.
A: Well maybe...
I: My husband did not convince me to marry him like you did!

and yes! Finally a farewell!and :)


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna