— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The arrival of the American delegation in Chisinau:

I walk quietly through Pushkin Park, I talk on the phone. Approaching the fountain, someone in shape flies to me from my back, and stands in front of me, blocking my passage. I put a phone.

You cannot come here!
Hm, and who can?
No one can!

This is a conversation between the deaf and the blind. I try to help a person who, by the way, didn’t even think of introducing and explaining the reason for my stop.

That is, do you prohibit me from freely moving around the city, thus violating my constitutional rights? After this phrase he hanged for about a minute...

The second person suits. Probably smarter...

A delegation has arrived in the city, you cannot come here!

A wild troll is awakening in me. Please introduce yourself, I don’t remember the names.

Are you a law and police officer?
Uncertainly so.
Do you want to protect the citizens of Moldova?
- Yes
- Are the members of the delegation so dangerous and terrible that you have to protect law-obedient citizens of our country from them for 2 streets?

The pause was long in eternity... But the second policeman (or whoever she is there), standing at that moment with his back to me, was as hard as to rattle. :DDD

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