— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the letters "S as a dollar" and "H as hydrogen" I remembered the pearl heard in a short-wave amateur air.
For those who don’t know, there’s a very simple solution to the problem of “escac-dollars” – there are standard letters – Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta... or in Russian Anna, Boris, Center, Dmitry... everything seems understandable, except for a few letters, the correspondence of which in the Russian and Latin alphabets is strange (the root of this correspondence is in the Morse alphabet). These are the letters X ("Sign" -- is meant to be soft or hard) and V ("Juck"). Newcomers are often confused.
Here is the following dialogue.

Correspondent 1 calls his calling, say, RZ3V**, it sounds like "Radio Zinaida's triple bush... and so on".
Correspondent 2 asks: "Juck – what is it?".
This sounds like a wonderful answer:
This bird is like that!


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna