— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Moscow teacher (M) is encouraged to move to Tyumen (T), where there are housing programs for budgeters.

Thanks, but we are Moscovites. And we will no longer be ours in any city.
T: I’t believe that the evil Moscow with the maniacs, the distance, the ecology (the absence of it), the illegals, the prices, and so on. Worse in Tyumen, where there are no million inhabitants, but there are the same musicians, where world-class sports competitions are held. Internet), where a cloud of universities, and so on.
M: We are in line for housing. But, as you know, life expectancy is sometimes smaller than the line for housing. Here is a recent dialogue in the JPG:
We need to work, not ask for apartments.
I am in school for 25 years.
Do you have five children in your school?
No, I only have it.
You are consciously sitting down and worsening your housing conditions, and then looking for the culprits.
T: That is it!
I forgot to mention that you have a p... more!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna