— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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u1: I am here in silent sadness for 3 weeks in the north of Baikal..... and so funny from here to read the native forum :-) and here I am delighted with the term "winter asphalt" is when the grayder takes the snow on the graviola and the locals from the joy of 100 ponds on the twisted road :-) I first got a point on the taiga :-)

U2: Not in the North Baikal case? I lived in the 90s in those regions, an hour’s drive from this city. Pahan talked as a friend from the south came to him for fishing. Sitting on the lake, Kent decided to go to the shore, walked, saw a crack in the ice, thought that it was a pelynia, lay on the mouth and jumped until ZIL passed by.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna