— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Are you stupid or where?
to this:

Comments on Black Friday 2013 in Russia:
And yes in America Black Friday is not a discount of up to 70 percent, of which one cup of tea with such a discount is sold. There is a discount of 300-400%. I bought the eyebrows, they cost $600 and I bought them for $200. There is difference. We can’t do anything..."

What do we think of the author? Did she have to pay for the purchase? Or maybe that’s why in Russia they can’t know anything because with arithmetic the same as the author? =) is


He who put this quotation here in order to put it in order for us to hold onto the arithmetic abilities of the author-TP. Captain Evidence is upset that even this has to be explained.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna