— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I chose a laptop. Shred templates for sellers.
In one large store of computer equipment (I will keep silent about the name) the following happened. I walk in the rows and see what they are offering. The seller runs.
Q: Girl, can I help you? Do you need a laptop?
I : Yes. for work.
Q: And of course, you want white?
I: I need a laptop with an Intel Core i7 processor, at the bad end - 5. A discrete graphic controller. The chipset is preferably GeForce. Minimum memory of 6 GB. The screen is at least 15.6, preferably bright. The hard disk is 640 GB. If you have such a white, nothing to do, I will take a white.
Q: Oh, sorry, we don’t have that.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna