— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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These wise men:

God, when did dogs and cats become more important to you than people?

When – I don’t know, but where can I say.
There is a documentary series - Natives in England, there natives from French Polynesia came to England. They went to a hairdresser for animals. They looked at. After a while, later, they saw the bombardment and asked, “Who is this?” They explain that this person does not have a home and lives on the street (and the European winter on the street). The locals asked: How is it? The man has no home and he eats what he gets, and the dogs have a hairdresser. Why so?
There was no answer.

And what I want him, I pay with my personal earned money: at least tastes, at least toys, at least a haircut if necessary, at least a cat 3d cinema if it is invented and I can buy it.
Why should I pay for other people’s bombs? They are, unlike the cat, like they should also be able to work and earn money, than they are worse than me?
Why should I be more important to my left-handed bear than my native, loving and loving cat?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna