— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Naive Man:
And the grandmothers asking for mercy at the subway, saw? The heart is broken to look at it - maybe they have a place to live, but there is nothing to eat and nothing to wear for such a retirement.

You know, some student journalists conducted a small experiment. Dressed the second student winner, made a complaining face and stood up to ask for mercy in a crowded place. In the first hour and a half, I collected a thousand two. Then a man approached, and asked why she is not remembered here, and if she knows who to cut off the penny.

The second girl tried to get up near the church... she was not even allowed - the same "grandmothers" have all the places listed there. And they stumbled upon her like a stall of cerberas.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna