— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Q: Do you remember my brother?
ZZ: Which
Xh: Well, our marching, baidarotnik, all walked in the kayak
ZZ: Dick, you’ll forget this, of course I remember! What has he already stolen?
XH: Yes, it was strange, I can’t say otherwise xD
He is alone all his life, lives only with cats, and his cell phones have not yet been, well, he comes to the market, sweeps his head in the window and asks for the cheapest wireless garment.
ZZ: And what then?
Q: Well, and she asks him, and the mobile is what. Is he talking mobile? I don’t have a cell phone.)
Q: So how is it O_o??? Why is he for you. Leha answers, it is, when I walk on the street, I often talk to myself, so that people stop scratching, I thought, I call on my mobile phone)))))))
XH: Well, what, I closed up and stuffed something there, I’m hz. Like a living

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna