— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Stillette: I want new boots, a black coat, new car coats and sprayers, new kitchen furniture, a washing machine, and two high closets for clothes. I still want to replace the windows in the room and finally go to Prague. And I also want to get the car back from repair soon, and the black circles would be drawn again very quickly in the advertising agency.
Well, I also want my dog not to be stupid and to study well in the dog school :-)
And I also want people around me to stop hysterizing and twisting themselves in nonsense. I also want to stop thinking about life in a tragic key. It is a comedy genre.)
In principle, I don’t need anything else. Santa Claus, give me this for the old new year, please.

martinec: grandfather asked you to pass on "avothuy" :):):)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna