— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the livestream.
When I was a child, I was strange—everyone loved chocolate and smoked sausages, and I loved soybeans and beetles. Directly adored.
Then we moved abroad, where there was no leaflet in principle.
But the memory of the most delicious product of childhood remains!
When many years later I came to visit my grandmother, the first thing I went to the store for familiar products. There was this conversation with the seller:
- Here, please, leaven with egg, leaven with cheese, leaven milk...
Is it just livery?
Noah... there is. But your cat probably won’t be like that.

The cats refused to help. And I was sitting on the bench at the entrance for a long time, biting the pledged rod, trying to get rid of the evidence, knowing that my grandmother, with her full of salt refrigerator and an eternal desire to feed me more deliciously, just won't understand!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna