— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
Goa has a house. In the kitchen I was met with a cockroach, similar in appearance to our own, but catastrophic in size. The owner immediately explained that the cockroach in no way can be knocked or otherwise offended. He must be fed, and then he will not go into the food, on the tables, in the bedroom, and will not let other insects into his territory. I fed the cockroach. He went out exclusively in the evening, quickly ate a meal and drowned. It was not seen in any of the other rooms. I haven’t seen any other insects or cockroaches.

So, for reference: this is a Madagascar cockroach. They are specially crafted to eat all the little things like cockroaches-flies-chikhuahua.

Odmin, the cat, the shredder And the cookies are loaded.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna