— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From Yaplakal (discussing the revenge delivered to the neighbor):

Listen to the plan.
You find at home: a spade, a broken hangover, a plastic blue bag, dried milk, old canned products, an old unnecessary circle, broken glass New Year's toys (with sharp edges), a small rubber hammer.
Calculate a few days when the annoying grandmother is at home - just sit in front of the house, study habits, when it comes when it leaves, etc. Make a calendar of their activities.
You take everything listed, put it in a plastic bag and approach her door when she is home. You knock on the door with a rubber hammer. When she opens up with her shoulder until the thoughts of love for her neighbors fill her body.
A plastic bag with unnecessary things is taken to the wash. Gather clay at home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna