— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I do not know how in others, but in our (80k residents and 20 taxi companies) city there is a single blacklist and blacklist of each individual taxi - we periodically exchange data of such customers. so that orders can be easily accepted, but not sent in delivery. or can polently send on a walking erotic journey, or simply ignore the call. The owner of a taxi.
Only sometimes for this blacklist taxisers have to tear their feet off.
One day he called a taxi when he returned from the hospital with a knee dislocation.
Three hours of taxi "traveled, here’s the 5 minutes you call it".
After the fourth hour went and I walked down to the subway, in the ice and with my foot in the plaster, this company of non-traditional orientation put the phone on a blacklist.
Although when ordering I said that it was hard to stand for a long time, so I asked to tell you exactly will be able to come within the said time or not, and I called and took the order when I was tired of listening about five minutes. So it can be wrong, but sometimes send a taxi driver, along with the driver and the owner, in which the baby is very much wanted.

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