— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will probably write about the two best compliments in my life.
1st I am 18, helping my older sister, walking with her baby in a wheelchair. A wheel is stuck in a wooden bridge. A little older man approaches me, pulls out the wheel, looks at me for 3 seconds and says, “How beautiful you are. Just get out" and go away.
2nd I am 28, I came to a familiar nurse already with my breast-fed baby. Another guy, again in appearance a little older than me, said to my friend when I got out: "There are only children who are now giving birth. This mother still needs to be raised and raised". I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t as young as I thought.

I’ve heard a lot more elaborate and beautiful compliments. These people didn’t need anything from me. They just said what came to their mind. And I still remember them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna