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Discussion of the article "Fablet" in Wikipedia:
X: What is the word "phablet"? Thro the runet, such devices are called ceilings. I propose to rename the article to the ceiling (mobile device)
In the Russian-language press, in addition to the word "phablet", the words "smartphone", "plateau" are used, which occurred through the fusion of the Russian words "smartphone" and "tablet", as well as the term "flanchet".
Y: Probably the author of this article lives in some other Russia and reads another press. Because of all of the above, you can only find the "top". Usually only in narrow circles. In most cases, either “smartphone” or “tablet-smartphone”.
Z: Fablet – I hear this for the first time. They usually say either “top” or “smartchett”. But this is just a jargon.
w: The ceiling of ordinary Russian people all their lives called the glass lid of the lamp. A difficult thing is a leaflet on the ceiling. Let’s better call the locomotives “parquet”. Or “hydroelectric power plant”, well, or “Brezhev” to a bad end.

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