— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The xxx:
In connection with the law of insulting the feelings of believers, I would like to say. I am a deeply believing person. I believe in the triunity of electrons, protons and neutrons. I respect Newton’s three laws and the theory of relativity. I like the temples. Temple of Science. Only in them can I find answers to most of the questions that arise in my brain. In studying theorems and their evidence, relying on axioms, I lay no hope on other ephemeral dogmatic judgments. My faith and knowledge allow me to explain or at least understand everything that happens in our nature.
My believing feelings are offended by people who try to fight with common sense. I am offended by their desire to forcefully invade my life with their fantasies and myths. I am a thinking person and I want to choose what I believe in. I made my choice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna