— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On January 15, the official presentation of the project was held in Vladivostok, organized by the art community “33+1” under the leadership of the main artist of the city, Pavel Shugurov. 33 mini-sculptures of the sculpture appeared on the streets in the central part of Vladivostok. Each composition is dedicated to one or several inhabitants of Vladivostok, who, according to the organizers of the event, have distinguished in recent times.

And if the idea of the action is quite understandable, then its implementation, as they say, "on the amateur." The fact is that all the “statues” have sizes more suitable for table sculptures than for street sculptures, and are made of wire with color insulation in the style of “wrapping” of “dushmans” (as Shugurov himself called this technique).

In the area of the APEC summit route stolen 16 km of cable

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna