— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I know, I work in a taxi. We have such a service “treat driver”. It was 5 years ago, I accepted the order for this same service. The night from Sunday to Monday, the end of the winter, the time is so 3, I come, I see a car - a jeep, big, I don't remember exactly the brand, and it doesn't matter, still so slightly raised, all in kangaroos, rubber dusty, not for the swamps of course, but for Moscow very seriously. Suitable customer, in dimensions quite corresponds to the car, the lady is 45-55, in a state called "light surprise", we sit down, we go. We came to her house, and the house such a "candle" one-way, 20 floors. To the house from the prospectus goes such a narrow path, on one side a wall of garages-shelves, on the other trees and, accordingly, a roof. We walked around the house, there was no room. The client says - go to the prospectus, we go back on this same path and here she is visited by the idea, let's say, between the trees we put! I explain to her, the swarm is above the hood, you can't drive away, you need to park with a 90-degree turn, let's sit for sure. She said, “No, we don’t sit down.” I say if we sit down - to me without complaints. No problem, I want to go to sleep. I turn on all kinds of blockages, lowering, give a gaze, pierce that sughrobe with a kangaroo and, naturally, sit tightly "on the belly." The wheels are all rotating, and the machine is not even moving. Is she sitting? - Of course, we sat down, and it was deaf, only to dig, we stood between the trees, behind the shells, can not be dragged and from the house too all the road was blocked. And then there was the phrase that caused this story here: "Here is your money for delivery, and I will go to wake this goat, let it now do what it wants, and forge out! “You won’t sit on this, you won’t sit on this.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna