— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Who is the ideal consumer? He is absolutely ignorant, a fool who lives with elementary emotions and a thirst for novelty. You can say, not a fool, but more delicate - a six-year-old child. But if at thirty you have the psyche of a six-year-old, you are still a fool early, no matter how delicate.
He is vigorous, positive, dynamic and always ready. to consume. What exactly? What they say, it will be. He is the ideal consumer. He won’t say, “I don’t have a new iPhone when I haven’t mastered the old one? I don’t need it at all.” He must have it, that is all. Once a new toy is picked up, he must immediately throw away the old one.

The ideal consumer is something like a pipe in which the goods are pumped from one end, and from the other they whistle out to the landfill.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna