— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hello to you, yyyy!

You are registered with the Academy of Winners. For some time, our partners may not get a login and password for entering the personal office.Without these data it is impossible to start training and building a business. Did you get these data? Please reply within 1-2 days.

With respect,
by Gizar.
Team WinnersAcademyTeam

Yyy: You can see, Gizar. I registered in your chatroulette by mistake. To see what another hernia my hyperactive girlfriend is involved in. As a psychologist, and in general, a person with an intellect above 20, I want to immediately warn you against trying to persuade me. and short. In the next letter from you, I want to see the link "reject newsletter". I am extremely loyal to your business. You see, I even give you a chance not to be sent to spam. Even though, confess, I hope someone will find you and kill you.
I really hate, without respect, yyy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna