— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
by this:
This is:
The Olympic Games in
The Western Media: In the past
PBS television in the United States
The guest said that
Genocide in the Olympic village of Sochi
of the Khazar people, i.e. "The Discovery
The Olympics will be held
In fact, on the bones of Kakashi
The People"
And the fact that the entire Homeriga is built on the bones of the Ideans is nothing terrible.
They can!
= is
That is, the fact that the hackers live in
Siberia and Sochi are
The same attitude as any chick, you are not at all.
Is it confusing?))
— — — —
For them, that Krasnoyarsk region, that Krasnoyarsk, is all one.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna