— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One girl I know (not friends, just graduated from one school, and even with a difference of several years) from social networks is presented as Baronessa Helena. When I learned about her pseudonym, I thought: why, in fact, the baroness? No, to change the shape of the name from Alena to Helena - it is in her style.But the baroness - the title is small, and the lady with a high self-confidence, her person dresses and lulls. Why not the Vicentess, the Countess, the Marquis, the Duchess after all? Maybe she doesn’t understand the titles, the main thing is that it sounds pathetic? In general, I bumped under my nose: the baroness, the baroness, the baroness... It came! Her name is "Papica"- Aries!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna