— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One aunt came to visit my mother and complained about her life.
“Everyone hates me. That is all! They envy our money, because Sasha and I recently bought a new land, sent our daughter to France. The car was recently bought by my husband, here is the one on which I came to you, and it is already all scratched. After all, every creature will inevitably pass by the car - and the nail will lead. How can you live in this bad Russia, tell me?”
My mother doubts. There is no way to literally hate everyone.
Maybe, said the acquaintance. The Russians are such a people, for them to envy like bread, otherwise and can not live.
Sitting for two hours for tea. Suddenly a sirene sounded out on the street. Svetlana Pavlovna jumped up when she heard her alarm. She ran to the window and yelled at her mother, throwing her finger into the glass.
Here, please look at it!
Mother approached the window, looking - in fact, two men are standing near the car of a friend. One presses on the car's cap, the other gently hits his foot on the tire.
“Here, here,” was our homeland, Russian, “wrote my aunt victoriously. - You can not just pass by a luxurious car, you must strike, push...
Mother looked at her friend so compassionately and said to her.
“Svetchka, please don’t be offended, but this one on the left is Stepan Arkadievich, our neighbor from the second floor. And the one, the other, in a fur hat - Anatoly, he is a courier. In the neighboring dairy store in the morning products bring. You have stood up so that the road has been blocked for them, and they cannot leave.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna