— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the hub, a comment about the ELT monitor:
I still have one monitor. little of that. It is not only tubular, but also glucose.
History is this:
I had an old glucose printed monitor on KVM, next to the server stand. Connected to servers. Well, sometimes it was connected to computers for tests, in free ports. Since the use of a stationary monitor at the server occurs never, then the figure with it. But at some point, the monitor began to ring periodically. Since the monitor was written off, I treated the problem with a precise side stroke. The problem disappeared.
There was a situation that the monitor began to be used frequently, and the dwarf such - began to bite frequently. I had to knock every five minutes. And then I was obscured — and why am I suffering with it, if I have a dozen other unrecognized tube monitors. I looked at him... Then they took me away and caught me hard. Against this background, I decided to remember that it was always interesting to watch live how the monitor behaves when you hit it with a hammer. I went to my neighbors to find a hammer. None of the workers were on the spot. I went to the server. I sat behind that monitor. Within half an hour, I realized he wasn’t swallowing. Overall, the monitor was so frightened that for the first time he allowed himself to squeeze in three months. We used it as a talisman. Together with the admin drum and anti-gas.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna