— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I don’t remember the year 92, 93.

In those post-Soviet turbulent times there were many sects there.

preachers and so on.

So here in all our institute (Kyiv Aviation) and

There have been reports of the arrival of a Korean in the surrounding area.

A Christian preacher.

None of the students and thought would move to go on.

The preaching. But! There was a rumor that when I entered the sermon.

This preacher is given free toothpaste, toothbrushes and more.

Some kind of hygiene. Going out, we went twice.

No need to ask. gathered and went. Indeed, at the entrance

The first is a paste, the second a brush. Fuck, I had to sit down.

preaching, for all the exits of the hall were blocked, so that all

The parishioners could not wash themselves without receiving a dose.

The religious labyrinth.

In particular, in the sermon it was said that, like, repent, for it will come.

The end of the world (not new, I think many have heard). But it was interesting,

The end of the world does not come there, but on a specific day.

That hour! And what the most interesting end of the world is predicted by the Korean

The prophet is coming on the next (I don’t remember exactly, well, let’s suppose...) Tuesday!

And for the ears drawn numbers from the Bible, through simple mathematical

with an accuracy of a second indicate on Tuesday.

number at 11:55!

Hollow brushes and pastas continued to distribute properly 4 times a day to everyone.

The Coming. Students living in hostels and in

Apartments around the institute have managed to get around ten times.

They were handcuffed with brushes and pastas and were aware of the exact date and time.

Everyone in the institute said that now all KYGA after the end of the world

He will go to heaven, for it is impossible to send a man to hell who has wasted his money.

A week on your teeth 5-10 tubes of pasta. It is :)

And then came the long-awaited Tuesday. Classroom with 300-400 seats

All is covered. Sitting all the flow and not listening to a lecture on physics.

Why do you ask, because everyone is waiting for the end of the world and everyone is waiting for it?

Not in physics.

And here at 11:54 in the silence of the lecture hall, a growing wave begins

Pick, swipe and play all sorts of melodies of Montana, Casio, Seiki and

Electronic devices that are designed to not be missed.

The end of the world :)

At 11:55 p.m., the cocafony in the enormous clock room reached its maximum.

power and went down.

At 11:56 the last calling son of the electronic and

A silent silence prevailed.

“And what was it actually?” I couldn’t stand it, the teacher asked.

“This is the end of the world,” he said in the room.

The glass was trembling from rotting rust. The hysteria in the room continued.

five minutes, until the teacher has picked up the journal and the instructions

He ran into the corridor.

P.S No one has heard of the biblical apocalypse yet.

and laughed.

P.S to P.S Then a group of students in the hallway told the teacher

The reason for the restless laughter, showing as proof the posters

Korean preacher and collected toothpaste for the morning sermon

The brushes. The teacher then ringed herself and, taking the poster in

As a souvenir, she went to the school.

by P.P.S. As the rumors went on, the preacher washed away.

Right before the beginning of the apocalypse. I wonder why? It is :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna