— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Case from life: broke the newly purchased vacuum cleaner of the company "XHHH" I call the warranty workshop I talk to the girl operator:
(I)- Service center of the company "xhx"?
(D) Yes what do you have?
(I)- the vacuum cleaner broke, he is still on warranty, wanted to know your service address
Do you have a repair or replacement?
I don’t know, I would like to replace.
D – What about him?
(I) I don’t know...he’s whispering loudly, but he doesn’t whisper.
(D) Here you are all the same men, unless they are replaced immediately.
(I) Emm girl, are we still talking about my vacuum cleaner?
(D) Go you... short guts
P.S I didn’t call back 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna