— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Operational, as well as the resuscitation department, belongs to the first special category of power supply. Not only is this all fed from two independent entries, but also the obligation of the IPB is.
The light does not turn off there. Well, if, of course, someone just didn’t turn off the switch.
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You won’t believe it, but sometimes it turns off. Yes, extremely rarely, but there can be a situation that both feeds will be decommissioned, plus problems with the diesel auto-start. IBP is available only on the satanic machine of anesthesiologists, supporting the patient’s life on the table. Two times in the history of the hospital, our surgeons had to complete the operation in the light of the lights. By the way, both times ended successfully, patients were discharged on time without complications.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna