— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hi my dear friend! With you the Evil Psychiatrist, and today I will tell you how to calculate hysteria in the early stages and not turn your life into an illogical hell. Each of them is characterized by a ‘tragic hyperbole’, that is, a tendency to verbally exaggerate its ‘suffering’. Template phrases: "wildly painful", "monstrously offensive", "intolerably cold", "extremely lonely", "terrible injustice" and other variations on the topic. If you hear this from the lady all the time - run, bro.

And, according to a long-forgotten tradition, a bearded joke about missed opportunities:
Father, daughter and son caught a goldfish.
You have three wishes.
I want to eat!
Father: In the PI!! to
My daughter: Aaa! Eating from PI!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna