— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XHH: As I was caught by specialists who have mega-experience, everybody knows and etc. I took my aunt as a commercial director. She told everyone 10 times that she could do everything. Take care of all things, because you will be driven away. As a result, after a month, the warehouse forced customers to ship not on expenses but on orders. In the end, they were loaded so much that they barely understood.
HH: But that’s not all. I took a accountant. Also, everyone can experience the ass of jay and td and so on. On the second day changed the name of the flash for the client-bank. She likes the name to be shorter. Now the client bank does not define the flash, no one can remember the old name. We sit without a client of the bank...Achuyut specialist. The enemy must be sent on a mission.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna