— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This smart man:

= is
Knowledge of Russian.

I: Hello to you. I need a certificate from the place of work to rearrange the credit card for our salary project. The contract must be signed. Could you send it to our office?
Secretary: I don’t know who you are asking to send?

Of course she will not understand you. Give it up, man.
= is

I wonder where do you come from, shit? Where does this suicidal self-confidence come from? And why, shit, are you getting more and more every day?! to

Dale: Ocasia is a French. case, affinity, connectivity for what matter or package, sending what. I write with an outline. I will send you the first sign.
An opportunity, and so on. 1st A convenient case for sending something. With Kim. Send a letter with an offer.
Writing by: Razg. convenient, favorable occasion for a package, sending something with someone ◆ A month later, I don't remember with what effect, I was brought a mysterious huge box

Stupid self-confident idiots who teach others with incredible apologies, not allowing even the thought that they themselves may be wrong, and not bothering themselves with the slightest check - please don't write to my internet anymore. thank you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna