— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ]
here here :

To all of these:

to this:

The commentary:

to this:
– – – –
I very much want to quote the autoban with the words "To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To this:"To the commentator:"and the like. Lords, this is a humorous resource, not a forum of pitchballs.
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I strongly support CS! All the commenters! Down the forum realities!
Hurra comrades!

Totally agree! They are already crazy!! Give it without stones!


Land for the peasants! Factory of Workers!

Just by name!! I strongly support...especially the factories.


I agree! Factory of Workers! Bridges to Trolls! The dead parks. The cow’s seat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna