— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Application on the Moscow portal "Our city":

Faulty elevator
The elevator works with interruptions. Drive to the 2nd floor and stop. On February 9, 2014, my husband was stuck in a faulty elevator, which was to the dispatcher. After 15 minutes, I pressed the button on the 1st floor and a miracle happened – the monster came down and released my husband. I am not a widow in the flowers of years. But who will guarantee that the monster will not devour anyone in my family irrevocably? The controller does not give such guarantees, but gives wise advice on which to press the buttons when stuck, in order to get out of the shutdown, without disturbing the controller. So we go to the 10th floor on foot, because we are afraid of troglodite terrible! In this wild situation, we trust you! Do a miracle, repair the car!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna