— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story happened on a large metallurgical combination.
There in the brigade of auditors sent a young girl-practitioner.
And then, after another check of the warehouses, they asked this girl to enter all the data to the computer. She, of course, sat down to work, sat down for a long time and delivered the result by the end of the day.
It is good that someone from their brigade, before sending a report to the bosses, decided to run through his eyes. This someone and discovered that in the warehouses in large amounts there is such an item as the "worm dog". After long discussions, none of the colleagues-auditors was able to understand what this was.
Called the executor.
It turned out that she didn't like the wording "naked cable", and she wrote somewhat more tactically, and she wasn't even confused that this "dog" of different diameters was wrapped in drums and wooden drums.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna