— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From FiztehRadio Twitter:

When I leave my house, I always feel like I have forgotten something, such as the Maxwell equation in integral form.

Count the integrals before sleeping. Sheep are for the weak.

A good mathematician draws his root out of the unknown every morning.

Man is made up of water! Infos about 80%

The irrationality of God is that he is not three-one, as everyone thinks, but one.

It would seem, why in subsequentity to distinguish subsequentity, but Weierstrass was no longer to stop...

I’ve always loved experiments in bed. Until the day the reactors spilled out.

Dividing by zero is like sex. It is possible, but it is forbidden for students.

A triangle is not a multiangle, but a little-angle.

The master of the department worked for fame. We put a function into your function so that you can differentiate while you differentiate.

What if the root is not removed from the discriminant?

I am sad in such cases.

This year, the scientific world will mark the 328th anniversary of the birth of physicist Fahrenheit - or, what is the same, the 165th anniversary of Celsius' birth.

In George Om’s school, it is better to study several subjects in parallel to reduce the load.

According to statistics, 75% of students know math well. I think I belong to the remaining 18%.

Beats means electricity.

Give me a point of support, a sweet-acid sauce, a little cola and a cake.

I have a PhD in mathematics, I specialized in cybernetics, but I was able to overcome these obstacles and started making money.

Pressure in one bar in one bar.

The days from the heat in summer are prolonged, and in winter from the cold are shortened.

There is no God. There are laws of physics, violating which you go to hell.

At the Olympics, the team of alchemists won gold.

Disney has purchased the rights to the landscape universe and will release three more books by 2015.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna