— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I returned late enough from work (7 March), I think: "Nafig, tomorrow we will go together - what the wife will choose, then we will buy." (moreover, the award was received)
But, still wrapped up in a large business - the house screwdriver is not even normal. And since the casseroles at home are all centuries old, then at the same time and a set of casseroles is good - it is also necessary. I came, my wife and daughter are sleeping, I dropped the bags in the hallway and went to sleep. I wake up in the morning from the kitchen.
In the words of his wife:
- I wake up in the morning, you'll still shake up, I think - and I'm still falling. On MTV survey: "What worst gift would be for you on March 8?" Blinked and let’s click on all channels. Again hit on MTV - there is already the leader of bad gifts - a bowl. I understand that I still have a lot to cook, I pull out of the blanket, I scream about myself: "and this was always a puddle, what to cook, I could guess at least one normal bowl to buy, I'm not just making eggs! " - and about the box, I'm stuck. The cheerful in the kitchen turned on the TV and from there (from the same MTV) immediately: "So this year your ladies will hate you for the bowl!"

I don’t know if I’m a macho (as the author of a recent quote) or not, but I think the level is not bad for me too.))

With the past! We love you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna